To install a package with expo just type:
$ expo install [package]
Used Packages/Components
react-native (does not need installation)
- SafeAreaView: A view, but contain all the content in visible area of the phone. (just works on Iphone)
- Platform: Get information about the running device.
- StatusBar: Get information and dimensions about the status bar of the phone.
- Dimensions: Get dimensions of the phone.
- KeyboardAvoidingView: A view that modify the elements position when the keyboard is open.
- FlatList: Component to create a list of items, something like
of Javascript. - ActivityIndicator: Component to show load circle
- @expo/vector-icons: Use most common icons on expo, equivalent to react-icons package for React.
- expo-font: Use customized fonts on expo.
- @expo-google-fonts/[font]: Use a specific font from google fonts. package e.g.: @expo-google-fonts/inter
- expo-app-loading: The splash screen as a component
- lottie-react-native: Use animation on expo/react-native
- RectButton from react-native-gesture-handler: Button component with native press style. Types: RectButtonProps.
- Swipeable from react-native-gesture-handler/Swipeable: A view thats allows swipe it to any side, and render some component behind original component
- react-native-iphone-x-helper: Misc help methods for Iphone X
The if
conditional accepts a block without {}
, like:
if (condition) return 'Hello Word'
if (condition) return 'Hello Word'